Reference Codes

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a method of simulating physical phenomena such as fluid motion, heat and mass transfer using computer algorithms. CFD can be used to predict and optimize fluid dynamic phenomena such as gas and liquid flows, combustion processes, heat transfer, and aerodynamics. It is widely used in various engineering fields, such as aviation, automotive, energy, construction, environmental, biomedical, as well as scientific research and development. CFD technology typically requires knowledge from multiple disciplines such as numerical analysis, mathematics, physics, and computer science to study and apply.

Open-Source CFD codes

  1. An overview of both free and commercial CFD software

  2. OpenFOAM

  3. SU2

  4. Nek5000

  5. Code_Saturne

  6. OpenLB

  7. FEniCS Project


  9. ADFC

  10. Partenov CFD

  11. arb multiphysics finite volume solver

  12. CalculiX-A Free Software Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program

  13. CaNS

  14. CFD2D

  15. CFD2k


  17. COOLFluiD

  18. DUNS

  19. Dolfyn

  20. Dune

  21. Edge

  22. ELMER


  24. Fluidsim Document

  25. Fluidsim

  26. FreeFEM

  27. Gerris Flow Solver

  28. HiFlow3

  29. IBAMR

  30. IMTEK Mathematica Supplement

  31. iNavier

  32. ISAAC

  33. KRATOS Multiphysics

  34. MFIX

  35. Nektar++

  36. NUWTUN

  37. OneFLOW

  38. OpenFlower

  39. OpenHyperflow2D

  40. OpenFVM

  41. Palabos

  42. PETSc-FEM


  44. PyFR

  45. REEF3D

  46. ReFRESCO

  47. Rheolef

  48. Semtex

  49. SLFCFD

  50. SSIIM

  51. TCLB

  52. Tochnog

  53. TrioCFD

  54. TYCHO

  55. Typhon solver

  56. Uintah Computational Framework

  57. MFEM

  58. GLVis

  59. AMReX: Software Framework for Block Structured AMR

  60. Sparselizard

  61. SuperLU_DIST

  62. PeleC: An adaptive mesh refinement solver for compressible reacting flows

  63. Axom: CS infrastructure components for HPC applications

  64. libCEED: Efficient Extensible Discretization

  65. HYPRE: Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods

  66. Eigen

  67. Taichi Lang: Productive & portable high-performance programming in Python.

  68. libMesh

  69. LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator

  70. SPARTA:Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer.

  71. MAST: Multidisciplinary-design Adaptation and Sensitivity Toolkit

  72. UCNS3D

  73. Albany: Sandia National Laboratories’ Albany multiphysics code

  74. Lethe: CFD/DEM/CFD-DEM project

  75. HAMeRS: Hydrodynamics Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulator

  76. blastFoam: high-explosive detonation, explosive safety and air blast

  77. VPIC: Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) Project

  78. BOUT++: Plasma fluid finite-difference simulation code in curvilinear coordinate systems

  79. KaHIP: Karlsruhe HIGH Quality Partitioning.

  80. Elmer FEM.

  81. Geometric Tools Engine.

  82. MFiX: Open Source Multiphase Flow Modeling for Real-world Applications

  83. ECOGEN: a CFD plateform written in C++ object oriented programming langage

  84. machine-learning-applied-to-cfd

  85. FEST-3D: Finite-volume Explicit STructured 3-Dimensional

  86. CGAL: The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

  87. MPI/C: Jacobi and Red-Black Gauss Seidel Poisson Solvers

  88. Pencil: A high-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows

  89. Open CASCADE: an open-source full-scale 3D geometry library

  90. OCCT: an open-source software development platform for 3D CAD, CAM, CAE

  91. CinoLib: a C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes.

  92. OpenSCAD: a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects.

  93. TetWild: Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild.

  94. NURBS-Python (geomdl): Object-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library.

  95. mmg: Surface and volume remeshers.

  96. pyIGES: Python IGES Reader.

  97. MathGeoLib: A C++ library for linear algebra and geometry manipulation for computer graphics.

  98. libigl: A simple C++ geometry processing library.

  99. Mayo: the opensource 3D CAD viewer and converter.

  100. JAX-CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics in JAX.

  101. DualSPHysics: C++/CUDA/OpenMP based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Solver.

  102. SPHYSICS: SPH Free-surface Flow Solver.

  103. FluidX3D: The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software.

  104. HORSES: a High Order Spectral Element Solver.

Grid generation

  1. Delaundo


  3. GMSH

  4. gridgen-c

  5. IA-FEMesh

  6. Netgen Mesh Generator



  9. Triangle

  10. TwinMesh

  11. GridPro




  3. GMV

  4. Gnuplot

  5. GRI

  6. Mayavi

  7. ParaView

  8. VAPOR

  9. Vigie

  10. Visit

  11. Visnow

  12. VTK

  13. Fieldview


Famous CFD codes

  1. NASA OVERFLOW Overset Grid CFD Flow Solver

  2. COMSOL Multiphysics

  3. Simcenter fluids and thermal simulation products

  4. Airflow Sciences Corporation

Closed-Source CFD codes

  1. flow3d